Senin, 02 Januari 2012

tips in indonesia travling

Well, how do I meet, mingle, and mingle with the locals when we walk? Please try the following  
Break the ice

A smile is a universal language to break the ice. Suggests friendly, friendly and well-intentioned is the beginning of mandatory. After that, Introduce yourself. Try to remember and mention names of people who are properly during the conversation.

When the name is too hard to remember, use the common word such as father, mother, sister or other. Begin a conversation with general questions about the local attractions. For example, what the local specialties, tourist attractions around the area of
​​interest, how to achieve it and so on.

Bring your attitude as if the information provided is very important and new to you even though you already know.

When interacting with anyone, keep your manners. Moreover, when a stranger who was visiting in an area. Do not until you do something odd or say things that do not deserve. In general, the standard of decency everywhere the same - especially with regard to the attitude or body language.
Topics for discussion

Sometimes it's hard to talk to strangers (in a strange place anyway). Could be you're afraid of talking and offensive. To avoid things like that, choose a common topic of conversation and light. Avoid sensitive topics such as religion, politics, and ethnicity or race.

If the other person initiate such topics, respond with a polite but not enthusiastic. Even if you agree with the thought of the speaker, the topic is sensitive enough to listen only, does not need to be overlaid and extended, much less debated. Besides being easily provoked emotion, such talk will only make the complicated and hot atmosphere. Rather than be friends, you even get in trouble.

To make the atmosphere warm and not stiff, slip humor into the conversation is the solution. However, you must be very clever to choose the type of humor that will be removed.

Of course humor is sensitive about racial and physical denounced should be avoided. Also do not use humor that is local is only understood by people from your area. As a result you can not understand humor and atmosphere so crisp. You can take a humorous topics that are popular in the media or guessing the light.

In a conversation, let alone you as a guest in a strange place, never dominate. Be a good listener even if the conversation does not interest you. Remember your goal is always involved in the talks is to be a bridge in order to mingle with local people.

If you are "stuck" in a long and tedious conversation, get out of the situation slowly. Hear me out for a while, then give a plausible reason that you should leave immediately.

If you've found one or a group of local people who want to make friends for hanging out there, they traktirlah occasional drink or eat. No need of expensive, but enough to show that you want to be friends with them. Also do not overdo it so you do not seem sincere and buy friendship.

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